There is a chick working here who I really kind of like. My luck she's straight. But she's just really neat. Just sayin'. I guess I could at least learn her name.
It is 7:29 p.m. and I am here with no makeup and severe bedhead. But I am happy and I think that is what matters. :) I woke up around 8, let Luna out, loved on Hippie, distributed animal food, let Luna back in, put Hippie away and went back to sleep. Then I woke up again later, never checked the time, let Hippie out of his kennel to stretch his legs (as long as he doesn't jump, that's ok, per the vet) and so that he and Leroy could get to know each other. Cleaned up the house a little. Drank some beer. Put Hippie up, laid on the couch with a book and some food - and Leroy. He is the sweetest little furball I have known, probably ever. Wherever I am, he is there, as close as possible. Sweet little kitty.
Fell back asleep until about 3:30. Actually my phone said 3:33 when I woke up so I made a wish. Laid there thinking for awhile, realized I needed to take my meds, got up, got dressed, took Luna out for a minute, and decided to get out of the house for a little while.
So, the crazy dreams I mentioned in the title... these all happened during the periods of time when I was asleep in my bed, not this afternoon on the couch. Some odd sexual dreams, weird scenarios, fuzzy details... then at some point the scenario switched.
I was in a low-lit room, in a circle of people, like a group meeting or something... Kathy and Julia were there, and so was my mom. Turned out, my mom was throwing a party in celebration of my life, that I had survived my 1992 accident. But in real life it was an MVA; in the dream, the accident was that I had been shot. I had been hanging out with a group of friends. This girl was checking out this handgun, just turning it over and over, looking at it, and it accidentally went off and I was shot. Just like with my real-life MVA, I had no first-hand memory of the event of what had taken place after it. Apparently, though, I had barely survived and had to go through all kinds of rehab like in real life.
**Note, in the midst of this blog, I have relocated... met my rock star friend Melinda

So, back to the dream... my mom had made this enormous, almost poster board-sized book for me with the entire story of the shooting, newspaper clippings, police reports, pictures, hospital records, the whole 9 yards. And although I wanted to look over it later, she insisted I sit right there and read the whole book right then. I wanted to visit with my friends who had come to the party, but she insisted I read the book.
You know how dreams are kind of patchworked together and don't always completely make sense... so the book said Kathy and Julia had been there when the shooting happened. But after some thought, I realized they hadn't even been my friends when it happened. I asked them about it and they said they actually HAD been. I was confused.
I also found out in this book that they had taken in the girl who'd shot me... let her live with them, "employed" them as their housekeeper to pay her "rent"... and I was flattered thinking how nice that they let me stay with them for free (which they did, in real life). Then I felt betrayed in a sense... because this girl freaking SHOT me, and they were supposedly my friends... and they took her in?? Kathy said but oh, she had nowhere to go; it was the only right thing to do, bla bla bla... but it just didn't sit well with me.
Anyway, I'm sure I could go through that dream and research the symbolism of each part of it, but I can pretty much figure it out. I think anyone who knows me, who sat down and thought over it could pretty much figure it out. I've had experiences with betrayal before... right now it's awkward for me to know that dear friends of mine, many of them, are still friends with Carrie... which is normal; I broke up with her, they didn't... I guess I should research the rest of the dream though. I do always learn a lot from doing that.
One thing I've realized is that the people who show up in my dreams usually don't represent those actual people; they represent a concept. I've often had dreams about my mom turning on me and doing horrible things... it wasn't my MOM, though; it was just the concept of people I trusted, turning on me or letting me down. So the dream, though it had Kathy and Julia making cameo appearances, was not literally about those two betraying my trust. Make sense? LOL
Anyway. It's been a weird day. I am about to go to the "District" aka the police station... Melinda's on the desk tonight and invited me to come and sit a spell. I believe I will take her up on that because I've been lacking in the area of friends and company. Julia notwithstanding... but for the most part it's been work with the guys and home with the pets. :) A little conversation and laughter is good for the soul.