Saturday, March 5, 2011


Life is hard. It can be scary. When things happen that have happened before, that were scary every time before, yet still hurt when they happen again. It makes me so angry. Yet I am trying to accept the things I cannot change. Praying for the serenity to do so. It is not easy. I am angry. I am tired and getting more and more worn out.

I feel pathetic just to be grateful the anger has passed. Is that weak? Like, if things could just stay "okay," I would be okay with that. But that, too, is something I have no control over.

I know, without something dramatic and just short of a miracle, this will NEVER get any better. So I hang around and put up with every time it happens, wondering if and when enough will be enough.

In other news, Charlie Sheen is a total ass-wipe. More news after this.