Saturday, February 6, 2010

Weird Dream

Last night I dreamed that this woman showed up banging on our back door - a heavyset Hispanic woman, like the lady hired to clean the house on the Goonies... remember that? Anyway, our landlord is supposed to come do some work here today (in real life) so, in the dream, Carrie and I wondered if he had sent her in his place. But she didn't speak English and we were not pre-warned of her arrival. Carrie told me to just let her in so she could start working. I was very hesitant but Carrie insisted so I let her in. To make a long story short, she started trying to steal all kinds of stuff from in the house. The landlord showed up em personne and said he had no idea who she was. I was furious and Carrie wasn't even sorry.

...One of those dreams you need to shake as soon as you wake up so you don't carry those feelings into the day against whoever upset you in the dream. Que serah serah. LOL

Couldn't easily find a picture of the cleaning lady but here's one of Chunk, just for happy memories' sake! ;o)