I have learned to minimize the time it takes me to get here by dollar-signing the curves in the road. I've also found a few shortcuts.
This riding-the-bus thing is turning out to be quite a pleasant little change in my daily routine. Everyone needs to shift things up a bit from time to time. It's like I have a little mini-adventure every morning before work, instead of just driving straight to work... and another mini-adventure on the way home, instead of just driving straight home. Different encounters, different experiences every day. Usually things I can chuckle about.
So, today's story... well, Carrie started a new work assignment today so we got up around the same time. Kissed her goodbye as she and little Roxy sat out on the front porch/stoop then pedaled in haste to the fence behind the Regions bank where I chain the bike for the day. Bike daycare... heh...
Went and stood by the telephone/electric pole to which is affixed the "Bus Stop" sign.

...anyway, I met a nice dude at my transfer stop who offered me a piece of his McDonald's breakfast biscuit, which I declined, but thanked him. We talked a litttle - which is rare, because most people I've encountered at Bus Stops only talk to people the same color as they are... for whatever reason; I'm just SAYIN'...
The bus that picked us up was having door issues... as in, the door wouldn't close... then wouldn't open... back and forth... which made for an interesting ride. With the door stuck open, watching the blur of pavement and curb and grass reminded me of pleasant times in college. My friend Laura would take me riding in her topless, doorless Jeep with Third Day blaring as we rode. Awesome memories.
I got to my stop, stopped off for a mochasippi and a muffin, and proceeded to trod onward, through the dewy grass when necessary, to get here. I was only a little sweaty when I reached my destination. Which was nice.
So, that's my morning! I think the phone has rung 3 times since I've been here. Sweet. Oh yeah, I did create that Bus Stop sign myself... just for the record. *grin* Pretty cool site I found; you can make the sign say anything you want in all kinds of colors!