Blah. I'm a bit cranky this morning... no real reason; just don't feel like being here. I'd really rather go drink a margarita and shoot pool. Live to dream, heh...
Well hey, it is Cinco de Mayo after all...
It has been some time since I blogged and so I am going to do a catching-up of sorts with some pictures from lately. Roll 'em!
First, I would like to present something I found particularly amusing on this past Saturday morning as I was out and about, running errands:

TACO BELL... is hiring with a starting pay of $8.50/hr.
Good grief... who turned the world upside down? I was at Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Louisiana recently, on a temp assignment... entering data and making corrections on INSURANCE SUBSCRIBERS' PERSONAL DATA FILES... for a flat $8/hr. Who knew? haha... Yo quiero Taco Bell!! I mean DAMN!!
Arright... this is the crazy lady I encountered on the bus yesterday. She moved twice, of her own volition, and came to sit behind me. Mumbling... of which all I understood was the phrase, "White people STANK!"... and swatting her newspaper book toward me to wave away my caucasian odor. :o) For awhile, I leaned against the window with my hands behind my head to more generously share my stank with her. Had to laugh. And, being me, of course I had to take pictures. :o)

It was hot yesterday. If you will notice, this woman is garbed in full hoodie. She was a real nut job. Later during the ride, she moved to the front of the bus and continued swatting her newspaper toward all the people up there, none of whom were white. She also kept making punching motions in the air and elbowing invisible strangers.
Bless her heart. Sheez...

Views on the bus on a Saturday morning... very relaxing. No sarcasm intended; though these people are literally relaxing... it was a calm morning aboard the Capital Area Transit System. I like the bus. It's fun.

Some people on the bus are LOUD and very animated. This past Saturday, I was on the bus with this woman (not pictured) who was literally SCREAMING her conversation with the bus driver and the people near her. It was just because she was cheerful and excited, but I mean... SCREEEAMING... and little Nic had a shredding headache. I contemplated asking her to quiet down but decided against it; I didn't have it in me. I just kept counting the stops til I could get off. Ahhhhh.... such is the price of sharing public space with... the public... heh.... Every person is unique.
"Nic wuz here - 4/2009" hehe Hey like my Doc Martens? Got 'em at the corner thrift store for a QUARTER!! HOLLA!! hehe... Had to punch a few extra holes in the straps to make 'em fit tight enough, but come on... Doc Martens for a quarter!

Anyway... so last weekend was the Baton Rouge Blues Festival. I biked downtown on the levee and brought Luna along; she usually gets lots of love and attention in big groups of people. However, upon arrival, I was duly informed by a security guard that "the dog (had) to go" because there were no dogs allowed. (Can't you hear Snoopy... haha) So, forget them, Luna and I found BETTER things to do around the perimeter of the festival area, and we could still hear the music ANYWAY! HA!!

(Luna found somebody's leftovers and I let her have at it. Why not... it was kind of a public service of her to clean up the mess anyway...)

"Nic wuz here too!" heh... okay okay...

Tiny heads atop the Shaw Center...

Some dogs out there were soaked from playing in the fountains. Luna was a bit scared of the fountains but did enjoy cooling her tongue in the water left between spurts! My sweet girl.

"When the sun sinks down - we'll be groovin'!" -Kenny Chesney

Back at home, the other night... my sweet "Meer Meer" - have you ever seen anything this cute?!??

Ma widdle man... aww!

Mr. Taz, my Tizzy-T... keeping an eye on things and awaiting the return of his sweet Carrie. As am I.

Luna, chillin' at the hacienda...

"Vladimir wuz here - 5/3/09" hehe... just like his Mama Nic!