Sunday, April 12, 2009

Dyed Like an Easter Egg

If you lay your sparkly-white, bikini-top-and-shorts-clad-body down to read a book in the sun:


If you grow sleepy because the material you are reading is about accounting and, therefore, is not so captivating:


If you fall asleep:


If you stay asleep until, with a dried trail of drool on your cheek, you wake up because you have to pee from all the beer you'd been drinking:


If you remain in the sun still for an hour or so more after your trip to the public restroom:


you will be burned deep into your skin and feel lots of pain and remorse, as I do now.


My dad started calling me a lobster when I was out visiting them earlier. However, he did repeatedly express deep empathy or sympathy... those words' meanings confuse me... (insert Comment from Holly here) anyway he was really sorry to see me in such a state and seemed to wish he could help. Sweet Dad.

I went out to Central tonight to help in Avery and Abel's Easter Egg Decorating Extravaganza. I love those two boys. So sweet and so curious... much like my young cat Vladimir.

I showed the boys how to draw on a white egg with the white crayon included in the dye pack and how, when the egg was dipped in color, the drawing remained white and became visible.

Very similar: the white line across my back where my swimsuit tie protected a thin, very tiny strip of skin. I have become striped... again, much like my young cat Vladimir. Heh...

I took 3 generic Advils when I got home and re-slathered my skin with Aloe-enhanced lotion. Sitting here in this chair, I'm feeling pretty okay. It's just when I decide to get up... my skin will have to stretch and realign itself and that is the peril dangling over me.

Happy Easter to everyone. On my drive home, I thanked Jesus for what he did for me (all of us) and for his love... and prayed to feel better in the morning so that getting up and going to church would not be a grueling task.

God is good to me! He loves you, too, no matter what!
