Sunday, April 19, 2009

Close Your Eyes

La tee dah. Long day. Not bad per se; just tiring. Carrie left for Vegas yesterday and I miss her already. She will only be there a few weeks, working for a dentist she knows from way back.

I have a job. I feel obligated to express gratitude for this job, but I can't say that I like it so much. The chick who's my boss is cool and all; she's very friendly and likes to chat when not much else is going on. But it's boring as hell, and I thought I had moved past the receptionist days. I will stay until I find something better. It only pays a small hourly anyway.

I have been tossing around the idea of becoming a public transportation consumer. Green, sure, but my reasons are not that noble. The car I am driving is neither insured nor is it even registered... if anything at all were to happen, I would be shit on toast. In more ways than one. So, I thought about just playing it safe and bussing it. It just takes about 3x as long to get to where I want to be, riding the bus. I'm weighing my options. If I do take the bus, I have to have myself out there on that little bench around 6 a.m. to get dropped off close to where I work by 7:30.

I also have an interview with Target on Tuesday. I was considering that just for a part-time gig but, provided I am hired and if it is something I like, I might just dust this other place and be a Targeteer. It only pays a little less, heh... and I wouldn't be bored. *grin*

I miss Carrie. I love her.

I only have a short time to be on my computer until the battery runs down. My power cord just decided to stop working. So until then I will charge up when I can, as I did today at my brother's house, and maybe use the computers at the library when I have the urge.

Public busses, public libraries... so common. As you might have ascertained, I'm a little down this evening, but it will get better. I'm hopeful.