Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The Flood

Update!  Right after I published this post, all my posts magically reappeared!!  I don't know how in the world that whole process happened, but I am incredibly grateful.

Anyway, I figured I'd keep this post just... to remember what makes things important. 


WOW.  So, somehow, alllllllllllllllllll of the posts I have ever written on this blog are GONE.  I have no idea how it happened.  I was putting in a new background, changing the font, etc etc... and THEY... ARE... ALL... GONE.

*deep breath*

Okay.  This can be okay.  No remaining posts reaching all the way back to... *gulp*... TWO THOUSAND SEVEN!!!  Okay, okay... fresh start.  New blog, fresh start.

Like in the 2016 flood.  I lost all my journals, all my school yearbooks form kindergarten through 12th grade, many writings, many photos, many books... many treasured memories.  (Funny how those are the things to come to mind as having been important to me - not the furniture or the washer and dryer.. but my HEART things.)

Losing the heart things hurt the most.  This blog has been a heart thing.  Well that's a bandaid that just got ripped the frick off!  With no warning.

After the 2016 flood, though, I was able to console myself with the idea of getting a brand-new, fresh start.  I liked moving into a new house without loads and loads of boxes and furniture.  It was like a good, cool breath on a mountain top.

Anyway, so here goes with my truly brand new blog.  But I'm keeping the title!!  

Please keep reading.  I am sure there will be lots of interesting posts to come.

Here's to the new.  *clink*