LAST Wednesday, August 14, 2019... was a pretty ordinary day in Fort Worth. I mean, when I say ordinary... ha... ordinary for ME. My "ordinary" spreads far beyond the borders of the "ordinaries" of many other people. Just sayin'.
I like to occasionally take a photo of an interesting foot. This foot caught my attention during training that day.
Probbbbbably because it was looking close to untied. I had to restrain the inner me who wanted to crawl under the table in front of me, crouch unnoticed by this foot and re-tie its shoe. Yeahhh... no, I did not. But I did take a picture.
See? Ordinary. hahahahaha

(Check out my Insta if you wanna @myblueart75 . )
After the day's sessions ended, I changed clothes and set out on foot. I think I walked a total of around 5 or 6 miles. "Not a big deal," says me. If I'd tried to drag Lena along with me, that journey would have been nipped in the bud and over before it began. Ha!
That's one of the reasons I love travelling for work. In my free time, I can do whatever I want and not have to worry about walking too fast or whether someone else is enjoying where we've gone. Just like I walked (and Metro'ed) all over D.C. - Fort Worth became my mini-kingdom.
As I had Googled to see what was where, before we went there, I saw the name of a street that truly made me laugh out loud. On this Wandering Wednesday, I walked to an intersection that had the name of this street on a sign. And I took a picture. I love this. How many people have their very own street? hahahaha...
I walked a LONG way because I wanted to go see Leonard's Department Store Museum. (Look it up; doesn't that sound fascinating?) I got all the way there, and the place CLOSES at FOUR p.m. most days of the week, including that day. I was SO let down.
I took a picture of the sign in the window and sent it to Lena. Because she had thought the place had sounded really interesting as well.
I told her we will go back there and see the place together! And she thought that was a great idea. AND we have made plans already to go to Fort Worth around in early November. I have so many things I'm eager to show her! But, we will drive there in my truck, so we will drive around IN Fort Worth, and not have to make all my same voyages on foot.
Okay I'm tired. More blogging tomorrow. More exciting tales will be revealed!
Later, hasta manana, buenos noches......