Good morning. 😃 Yes, I'm up at 6:45 on this lovely Saturday. Man, when I got up and looked at the thermostat, it was 66 degrees in here! Enter HEATER, stage RIGHT. I love this time of year, when it's starting to get a little bit colder.
I have a thousand thoughts all battling to the forefront of my mind, trying to work their ways down to my fingertips. I am in our spare bedroom; what we call the "quiet room." It's a place for either of us (mostly me) to get away and have a little quiet time. I sit in here every morning, in this moderately comfortable papasan chair, usually with Hippie snuggled in on my left side, laptop on my lap, coffee on the small bedside table to my right. I feel so indulgent to have this room. It's not fancy; in fact, I told Lena I would work on cleaning it up today. But it's EXTRA. It's more than enough. We are so blessed.
Let me tell you about my feelings toward Lena. I love that woman so, so much... all in all and completely. Before, in relationships, I honestly found myself thinking below the surface, "When I get out of this one day, I want to...". But not with Lena. Sure, we have disagreements at times. But there is a strong and abiding love between us. I don't think of her as something disposable or replaceable; she is a PART of me. And, for better or worse, she is a major factor in my life; a part of every day I live.
It's like, "This is my arm. It has a few freckles on it. This is my right leg; see those scars where I had those bumps removed? And this is my Lena.. She has her own distinctive features, just like parts of my body. Identifying marks, you might say. Ways I identify her as mine. She is a part of me, just like an ear or an arm or a mark on my skin. I love her and truly cannot fathom being without her.
That's all for now. I potentially have a lot to do today... conversely, I potentially have a lot of relaxing to do today. We'll see how it goes. Later on, Lena and I are going downtown to the Halloween parade. I drove the parade route yesterday, scouting for a spot I could park my truck and watch the parade from the tailgate. Not too many places one can do that in downtown But that would definitely be sweet.
Hasta la vista, mis amigos! Que tengas un buen sábado! Love you guys.
Love from all the people of my imperfect, happy home. 😁