A new way of reading the Psalms has alighted in my mind! It may be pretty different, kind of out-of-the-box... but then, out of the box is what I continually hope for. Really something I should moreso STRIVE for, but anyway... for what it's worth...
I sing the Psalms. To the tune of whatever random song is bumping around in my head at that moment. The other day I sang a Psalm to "Come Together" by the Beatles. Once I used the worship song "As the Deer..." and, once, I sang to the tune of the Goatherd (puppet show) song from "The Sound of Music."
Today I sang Psalm 44 along with Dire Straits to the "Sultans of Swing."
Singing a Psalm forces me to slow down, focus on the words and what would fit where in the melody for that moment. Remember I said awhile back, I was concerned about reading the Psalm too quickly and not getting the depth of meaning below the mere words on the surface. Well, now I have a method and it is proving really frickin effective. I love it.
Try it. At least once, just for the sake of trying something new. See if it feels good for you. If it doesn't, then move on... but, if it does, you may have opened a door to a whole new world of seeking to understand and absorb the great things God wants us to get out of God's word.