I believe in Jehovah; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Three separate yet ONE. Currently, though, I am more and more interested in knowing GOD without the dangling baggage of RELIGION.
Kind of like with politics; I don't completely agree with the platform of any major party, so I name myself an Independent. Along the same line of thought, I don't completely adhere to the beliefs and practices of any standard church or denomination. I want to know GOD.
This evening I have done a little reading on the Unitarian Universalist church... an organization which, in the past, I have scoffed at and never considered legitimate. I'm not making any declarations or commitments here; just saying, I would like to learn about this group and possibly visit one of their gatherings just to see how it makes me feel.
Part of me would like to piece together a compilation of ONLY the words that came out of the mouth of Jesus Christ while He lived on earth in a human body. Once, a man I really respected (and still do respect) said to me that he loved the Bible but often disagreed with some things the Apostle Paul had said in his writings. At the time, I was inwardly mortified! You didn't just come out and say you DISAGREED with this or that part of the Bible! Time has passed, though, and I am finding myself more open to his point of view.
The flood of 2016 stole from me one of my favorite books; The Gospel of Inclusion by Bishop Carlton Pearson. Recently, I have purchased another copy and have started over at the beginning, working my way through this thought- and question-provoking work. Reading this book makes me hungry to learn more and curious to uncover what parts of knowing GOD I might have previously blocked out under my desire to do things right in the eyes of church leaders. Wow. I feel like I've been crouched next to a fence, squinting to see through one little peep-hole... when I can just STAND UP and look OVER the fence... to see... who knows what?? I find that thought breathtaking.
Because God is not limited to the Bible. God is not limited to any denomination or religion or any institution created by humans. This evening, I have been reading Bishop Carlton's thoughts on the concept of GOD WITHOUT RELIGION. And I am truly intrigued.
I need to go to sleep soon... just wanted to share a few thoughts. I hope you all had a great time celebrating Christmas. My nephews were given guns that shoot out little foam balls about the size of Cheetos Balls so my sister's house transitioned into a battlefield of fun and hilarity and many there were involved in combat at some point in the afternoon and evening of Christmas Day. I love my family and am hugely grateful for them.
Work tomorrow; gotta go earn the pet food. hehe Night, all!!