See, here I am...
So. For the new year, I have a few specific goals:
1. Keep reading the Bible consistently like I have been.
2. Pay down my credit cards. I'm not in a hole or anything; I just want to lower what I owe. I have specific goals but they are personal. You're welcome. LOL
3. WHEN I want to buy something (bigger than gas and groceries)... I want to make myself WAIT 24 hours before I do so.
4. I want to save money like crazy. Like, put it in my savings account and do not touch it.
I think those are good goals. Get my life under control in more ways. Also to keep losing weight. I met my 15 pounds goal a few weeks ago and relaxed my restrictions for the holidays. Tomorrow morning I will weigh myself and see what damage was done (hopefully not too much) and set a new goal from there, probably around 15 more pounds. I have an idea what I'd like to weigh. It's a weight I held years ago and of course thought I was fat... but, hindsight... heh... My goal now is to be the fat I was in around 2003. hahaha
Seriously though... I gained a LOT of weight for awhile. All in all, I weigh about 30 pound less now than I did at the height of it all.
Gotta commit to CrossFit again, too. It is a financial investment, but I have to consider it worthwhile. Number one, I know me, and I know I am FAR less likely to work out consistently if I try to do it alone. Number two, sure, there are cheaper gym memberships, but I feel a PART of Geaux CrossFit; it's friends, it's a little family, it's encouragement and consistency. I could pay a cheap monthly rate at Planet Fitness but that brings us right back to point number one; I would be going it on my own and, with no program to follow or group to work out with, I don't have much confidence that I would be consistent. Just trying to be real.
I love Geaux CrossFit. I love the coaches: Johnny and Amber and Patrick and El and that other guy... (sorry, other guy... I forget your name)... I love my friends Zevi and Ros and Dani and Nick and Mandy and Mathilda and John and Jennifer... and all the people whose faces I know but whose names I can't remember... and the two Claires... I love that I am one of the three Nicoles... I love being coached, taught, corrected and encouraged. So for all that, it's worth the money. Hands down.
So, there you have it. I think I'm going to walk home now. I'm pretty tired from all the cold medicine I've been taking. Actually I'm out. Maybe go by a store first and get some more cold medicine. I am quite partial to any generic green capsules whose effects mimic those of NyQuil. I hate a runny nose and I love sleeping, so those needs and desires are both met by said medication.
Happy New Year, everybody. I'm going to watch Dallas New Years on TV tonight and remember how I loved living there, and how I now long to live in Denver. (Denver is part of the drive behind my goal of saving gobs of money.)
Auld Lang Syne, y'all! Be good and use Uber if you go out!! 2017 has been a good one.