I did *not* feel like working out today. Actually, I felt kinda whiny, and I wasn't feeling great. But I went anyway. Looking at myself in the ladies' room mirror at the gym, I noticed my back fat and love handles poking out, and I did not want to go let everyone see that, but I did anyway. I was scared because, the last couple of times I've done box jumps, I have gotten hurt... and today's workout incorporated box jumps... but I did step-ups instead... and I did it anyway.
And, when everything was over, I was glad I had gotten out there and sweated my brains out with everybody else.
There are some things I really hate about my body; more, the older I get. I was thinking about that today, and about how other people at Crossfit don't have those... features, shall we say... and after the workout, when I was putting up my ab mat, I thought, "Well, I'm just going to have to keep working. Because nothing will get any better if I don't."
Those are true words.
Work was ok today. I finally felt like I found my groove, and I feel good about tomorrow; I feel positive, like I'm going to get a lot done. Which is good, because a lot needs to get done!
Today I ate more calories than I burned. Someone cooked eggs and biscuits and bacon at work this morning. Even if I didn't say no, I still could have... moderated... and had less... but I had a big spoon of scrambled eggs and two biscuits with jelly. That threw my whole day off. I didn't eat *that* many more calories, but it still put me in the hole. Hindsight, hindsight...
After Crossfit, I had a "FORK IT!!" Smoothie, because I was still over, and I was pissed. And now I'm working on a can of PBR to properly round out my failed food day. Ta-freakin-dah. Tomorrow is a new day, and my Fitbit and I will start fresh.
I like my Fitbit so much. It congratulates me when I reach even small goals. I really absorb that; it makes me feel increasingly motivated.
OK. Time to wind down and get ready to join Lena in the land of sleep. (Ha - I almost said "the land of Nod" because sleep, nodding off, you know... but I thought I'd better make sure what that meant, and I'm glad I did! Because the land of Nod is in the Bible as the place to which Cain was exiled after he killed Abel! Nope, nope, that's not where Lena is, haha...)
She does look so peaceful, though. I'm glad she's getting a good rest.
Night, all, and have a great tomorrow!