I just woke up from the weirdest dream... I feel a need to record it. It was just so unsettling and very vivid.
The dream started... watching Mariska perform. The performance was in a small arena, actually kind of like a great big white tent, like an old revival tent. I was sitting among many in white wooden bleachers. She was dancing... not in a seductive or trashy way; just... dancing. And it was beautiful. She was so beautiful. Her costume, what I remember of it, involved a dark blue, shiny leotard top and blue net stockings. She was dancing to show the beauty of every woman. She didn't try to cover up places where she had fat or any so-called imperfections; she was just dancing, just as she was. And she was so, so very beautiful.
Then, in my dream, I woke up on a beautiful day with perfect weather and no humidity. I was in my early 20's, I think, and I lived with my parents. Well, not my actual parents, but they were my parents in the dream.
We lived somewhere rocky and kind of sandy; an old town with dusty streets and sidewalks that sloped steeply up and down.
It was a sunshiny and perfect day. Then I passed by my parents' room and saw they had another couple their same ages in bed with them. Nothing nasty; they were all asleep and waking up. That freaked me out, but I left that alone and went into a large sunroom to drink coffee and read.
That was when I discovered a little boy, maybe 5 or 6, hiding in the corner behind some furniture. He was cute and very sweet-natured, but scared because he had been left all to himself in a strange, new place. Talking to him, i gathered that the couple with my parents were actually his parents. They had met at the Mariska performance the night before, got to talking afterward and ended up all in bed together. Gross. Icky, yucky gross, to think of one's parents doing something like that! I mean ewwwww.
I checked on the little boy, made sure he was alright and poured him a bowl of Cheerios. Then I went into the room of icky gross and tapped this woman on the shoulder until she woke up.
"Ma'am," I said, "your little boy is in the other room all by himself and he is scared to death because you left him alone. I've given him some cereal to eat but I think he needs you."
She mumbled some dismissive remark about well he must be fine then because I was taking good care of him.
"But he's not my responsibility; he's YOUR son. Please go see about him."
To this she replied, in a sleepy mumble, "Look, little lady. You are perfectly capable of taking care of that sweet and good little boy. Now get out of here and give us some privacy."
Um... resentment? Yeah. Did not like being ordered by a stranger to get out of my parents' room. Rather than say something I would probably regret, I turned and left the room.
I remember my dad saying to me later, "Yeah, we had never done anything like that before... but we opened up and tried it, and now we love it!" He proceeded to tell me the four of them were flying out that day to... somewhere... Europe, or maybe Brazil... who knows.
So they left me with this kid. I mean, he was sweet and very well-behaved so I had no resentment toward HIM; just toward his stupid, irresponsible mother who unfairly saddled me with this responsibility.
In the dream, I remember walking around the corner of a clay building and up a dusty cement sidewalk with the little boy a few steps behind me. I had begun to separate my resentment for his mother from my understanding that this little boy was scared and deserved to be treated with caring.
That's mostly all I remember. My alarm kept going off; I kept hitting snooze and would go right back to watching Mariska dance.
Time to piece this dream apart. My source is http://www.dreammoods.com/dreamdictionary (I ignore all the ookey spiritual stuff; I'm just interested in the psychological aspects of dream symbols.) I also use a site called dreambible. These definitions are kind of inflexible; I like to draw connections between them and adapt them to what they might mean to me. So, here goes.
To dream that you are a celebrity signifies your high aspirations that may be way beyond your reach at the present moment. You may just be setting yourself for a let-down.
To see a celebrity in your dream represents your beliefs and understanding about her or him. Consider what the celebrity is famous or known for and how you relate to that quality. Something in you waking life has triggered these similar beliefs and feelings. It is not uncommon that your obsession with a certain celebrity may carry over onto your dream world. Celebrities are often seen as heroes and all that is mighty.
- To dream that see dance performance suggests that you are ready to move forward into a new phase in your life.
- Blue represents truth, wisdom, heaven, eternity, devotion, tranquility, loyalty and openness. Perhaps you are expressing a desire to get away.
- To dream that you are wearing tights suggest that you are feeling at ease in exposing aspects of your Self.
To dream of a costume represents a false or deceptive persona you present to others in waking life. You might be putting on a show or pretending to be something you are not.
Leotards To dream of leotards represents behavior that is concerned with doing every single little thing perfect. Negatively, you may be very concerned with making any mistakes at all.
To dream of regular women's dress stockings represents feelings about not wanting to feel that you think you are better than other people or dishonest while being independent. Feelings about yourself or other being a wonderful person who doesn't have to be told what to do. Feelings about about being a wonderful passive person with everyone liking you. *I can kind of see how this might relate to not being ashamed of one's physical imperfections.
- To dream of a wedding tent or special event tent represents your attempt to temporarily maintain composure or relationship stability. Doing what's necessary to keep life stable or feeling good. Temporary sacrifices you are making to keep life comfortable.
- To see your parents in your dream symbolize both power, shelter, and love. You may be expressing your concerns and worries about your own parents. Alternatively, it represents the merging of the female and male aspects of your character.
- To dream of both your parents represents your conscience and intuition. There may be important choices that you are making or reconsidering. To see your parents together is a sign that you have important decisions to make. You might also have concerns about your own parents. (uhhh... yeah...)
- To dream of feeling that something is disgusting represents feelings about waking life situations that you find revolting, sick, perverted, or unclean. Powerful feelings of having difficulty accepting something unpleasant. Powerful feelings that something is wrong or immoral.
Alternatively, feeling disgusted in a dream may reflect waking life situations where you feel trapped confronting a very unpleasant undesirable situation. Feeling that you must endure a prolonged unpleasant situation.
- Negatively, dreaming of children may reflect feelings about yourself or others being helpless. Powerlessness to overcome big challenges. Inexperience that prevents you from facing difficulties because problems are too big. Alternatively, from a negative perspective children may reflect problems that are out of control. New developments that are becoming frustrating. To see children in your dream signify an aspect of yourself and your childlike qualities. You may be retreating back to a childlike state and longing for the past. You are trying to still satisfy repressed desires and unfulfilled hopes.
That's all for now; been a long day and I'm sleepy. Goodnight!