Thursday, November 3, 2016

Learning This Evening

Hebrews 5 says Jesus learned obedience from what He suffered. Suffering, alone, is not good, but God can bring beneficial results from suffering.

God put in my heart that I have gained wisdom through things I have suffered. 

We do not gain wisdom WHILE we are suffering; when things are going on, it's the best we can do to process what we are experiencing and push forward as best as we can.

Wisdom comes later, when there is time and space between us and the suffering. We remember. And, as we remember, we can learn. God has a lot to teach us from our experiences if we ask and listen.

Like they say, hindsight is 20/20 😊

Hebrews 5 also talks about being able to consume God's word as milk or as solid food. Milk is the easy stuff; learning God loves you, learning He will never leave you, learning He will provide everything you need.

Solid food involves taking it up a notch. Moving from the 100 to the 200 level classes. Learning discipline; learning to distinguish good from evil. Building and continually strengthening your relationship with God. Asking God to refine you, and surrendering your whole life to His scrutiny so He can tell you what pleases Him and what needs to be changed or needs to go. Solid food is challenging- sometimes not comfortable- and requires a higher level of commitment.

God loves you the same whether you like your milk or desire solid food.

But solid food makes a person stronger than simply sipping milk.

Hebrews 5:14- "But solid food is for the mature, who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil."

I am chewing on this verse and seeking further clarity on the matter of HOW we distinguish what is good and what is evil.ii

More to come! Time to get ready for bed and an early morning. But it will be a FRIDAY morning! So I think I will manage just fine. 😜😄😎i