After ALL I went through last week, all the tears and misery and emotional sludge, all the asking God "What am I FOR??"... I've come around the corner. I have much more steady footing and a sense of HOW I need to seek God.
So, this morning, I was working on an in-depth Bible study using online concordances and dictionaries and lexicons... really digging in! When what catches my eye in the corner of one window on my computer??

THANK YOU, LORD! I can't help but laugh. And of course I am going to download and read this FREE gift of a book!
He is my HOPE!
If this pasted link works on this blog, I encourage you to click on it and get the book for yourself also. I mean, hey - free encouragement!
And if clicking the picture doesn't work, just go to the page where I saw it... by clicking HERE! (If you don't see the ad for that book on the right, hit refresh until it comes up; different ads show up each time you reload the page.)
God is GOOD. :)