When I got home from work yesterday, I had a long mental list of things I really needed to get done... plus a few things I really *wanted* to do. There was no way I could complete all the tasks on either list, much less all of both lists.
I went inside, let Luna out to pee, headed to the kitchen and made a quick "must-do" list on my whiteboard. On top of it all, I was feeling pressure (all from myself) to meet up with a running group... yeah, the one from the duck post with all the people who leave me in their dust, heh... but I wanted to run.
I folded some laundry, put a load on to wash, put a few items up... most of my laundry lives folded on top of the washer and dryer, confession confession, ha... then went outside to water my plants. Luna came along; she is great outside company. *smile*
Sometime whilst watering my veggies-to-be, I conceded to myself that running would not fit into the game plan for the evening. At least not with the group at promptly 5:30. I decided to haul out the electic weed eater and attack the grass on my side of the duplex where I live. Trying to coordinate setting up a lawn-mowing moment between the neighbor and the landlord is proving to be most unfruitful... and the grass around my sidewalk was becoming increasingly unattractive.
Weed-eating was such a freeing experience! Might sound silly, but the weather was perfect, I got some exercise in, and I love the smell of freshly-cut grass. I ate as many weeds as I could... as far as my extension cord would reach, anyway... and until I angered the residents of a particular ant pile. It looked good, too!

I was feeling good. I was feeling productive. Leaning over, I gave Luna a good back-scratching... the kind that frees loads of pre-shed fur that blows happily away in the breeze and does not land in my house for me to sweet up. Nice.
As I was scratching Luna, a cool breeze passed over my face and through my hair, and I had a moment on epiphany. WHY NOT ENJOY LIFE?? I mean really, why not?
I could mentally deride myself for not completing my to-do list, or I could get done what I am realistically able to get done, enjoy myself along the way, and be... HAPPY!
I had a great afternoon. I also washed many of the dishes piled in my sink (not all of them, no, but a lot, which was a good accomplishment as I've been putting that off) and got a lot of laundry washed, dried and folded... and a few pieces put away. *mischievous grin here*
Now, this morning my cell phone alarm clock did not go off. Wait, no, it went off... but was silent. Which, consequently, did not wake me up. I was awakened by a sound from outside, around 7:20.
I am supposed to be at work at 7:00. Oops...
However, I did not stress. I texted my boss, "Running late, be there asap," got dressed, fed the kids, let Luna out to pee, and headed to work. My boss is cool most of the time. As long as I let him know I'm on my way, it's not the end of the world.
I did get ready as quickly as I could, but I was calm and felt peaceful. No reason to stress; I couldn't change the fact that I'd overslept. Onward!
I even stopped for a JAVA MONSTER drink on the way in, and took a picture of the sky because it was so beautiful!

I got to my desk...

And was greeted by my screen-sweetie, my dear, beautiful Mariska... ahhhh.... *huge grin!*

And it's been a good day. Life is good, when I LET it be good. I like that!