Monday, December 31, 2012

The Little Things

A friend of mine at work just called my extension and said, "I have something for you."

"I'll be right there."

I walked to the next building and into her office where she handed me a small pack of about 4 bobbin reels. I was telling her last week how I needed to learn how to use the new sewing machine I had been given. (Lena got it for me at a garage sale, almost brand-new; the seller just didn't need it.) I had mentioned to this friend that I had to figure out how to set up the bobbin and that I might need to come over to her house so she could show me. She's offered before; she's great with sewing, quilting, who knows what else... plus she has several pets and I always love meeting people's pets. :)

"Yeah," I had told her, "I even bought a pack of bobbins but I have no idea where I put them. I have looked everywhere I can think to look. I think I'm the queen of misplacing things."

And this morning, she gave me new bobbins. Just a small gift; probably cost her a dollar or two, but the thoughtfulness behind the action put a smile on my face and it's still there as I type this.

"Thank you so much; you made my day!"

It's true. That small gesture really picked me up this morning.

It's not the gift; it's the thoughtfulness BEHIND the gift.

It's the friend who emailed me back after I wrote her about the calamity going on in my family these days.

It's the other friend who loaned me a dollar so I could get a snack out of the vending machine and spent a little time in conversation with me about our pastor and about the wonderful guest speaker we had at church yesterday.

It's being able to walk away from that friend and call back, "You're my favorite big sister!" And to hear her respond, "You're my favorite little!"

It's the little things. :) :) :)