I have had the longest day, most of which was unproductive. I have officially been deemed “treatable” by my friendly local funny farm… Strange how some levels of acceptance just don’t really do much for my self esteem. Then I went to my read doctor to get the other medicine I needed, then visited my mom, then stopped by my friend’s work and visited her for awhile. Very dear friend from long ago… it was a good visit. We talked about life and how to deal with it. Very cool friend and I wish we spent more time together. She’s weird but cool enough that I can tell her that and she knows I’m serious and it’s still ok. hahaha
Luna is home surely needing to pee but she will be ok. I know this because every time I let her out her first action is not to run and pee but to run over to the shed where I believe there are baby kittens

Funny how spending all morning talking about depression makes you… depressed. Haha
There’s a guy in here whose favorite word is the F word. It is his favorite adjective, verb and noun. I want to go punch him in the face and tell him to shut the FUCK up. But that would be no fucking fun because I probably will apologize afterward. I swear, he has said fuck at least 10 times just while I’ve been typing this paragraph.
Half a Michelob Light to go and I will burn outta here… okay I will drive cautiously and carefully outta here… I am so tired. Carrie was also very tired this morning. I hope she still is. It would be nothing short of perfectly beautiful to lay down with her in bed and watch some tv or something, relaxing and going to sleep. She’s awesome that way.
Earlier I had intentions of going to the LSU Lake and walking or jogging or something… then it started raining… but why rehash that. I am so glad I don’t work with that woman I used to work with. I pray I will find another job soon. I have not yet begun to despair; you never know what the next day will bring.
Plus I get a paycheck tomorrow. It’s almost like I’ve been on vacation sort of. But I don’t want just a paycheck with no job. Neither do I want a job with no vacation. My goal… dream… whatever… is to have a permanent job that I like, and have a real no-shittin vacation and get paid while I am on that vacation.
I started a new class this week called Operations Management in Health Care. Hoping this will be interesting. I have printed the first 2 chapters I need to read so that I might read them at my leisure, wherever I end up. Which is what I was going to do in here, but I changed my mind. I wanted to write. To write, and pretend I was talking to someone who was actually interested in all this crap I have to say. And who never interrupted. HA HA
I bet it would be hella-funny to strap a shock therapy device to Mr. Fuck over there… it would shock him every time he said the F word and I would LAUGH!!! I wonder how long it would take for that negative reinforcement to work on him… bwaa haa ha…
I want to talk with my friend Sarah in Utah but I don’t feel like holding the phone. I also want to talk to my friend Melanie and my friend Karen but… same issue.
Few more sips and I will go home and talk to my C and just hold HER. That sounds like a plan to me. :o)