I walked to CC's because their drinks are cheaper but left when I saw there was noics inside and clusters of dirty construction workers outside the plate glass windows. Ha...
It's nicer here.

I've discovered Mariska's blog today and have been reading it some. It's pretty inspiring! Her words make me want to be a better person. Her words... I wonder if she actually writes the entries; some celebs have smaller people do handle menial things like that for them. I would like to think Mariska is genuine... but I know she is also a very busy woman. Either way. :o)
Two weeks until I have school again... well, two weeks minus a few days. I would like to actually do something constructive with this time, rather than just let it pass. An art project, a home improvement... need to do some home improvements QUICK because of my plans!!
I like life today and I'm trying to have a nicer attitude toward people. One step at a time. Ha - I almost need a 12-step PROGRAM to climb out of the hole of hatred I have been burrowing down into.
I like it when I wait as long as I can to go to lunch. Makes the afternoon shorter. :o)