I dug a grave in our back yard and laid the little guy to rest. He deserved that respect.
Carrie and I were so mad that some irresponsible person/people first of all let a puppy out to run in the street, and second that they just laid it by the sidewalk.
I don't understand people around here. They either have a dog that stays tied to a chain that is at MOST 4 feet long, that is never walked and never played with... or they don't watch out for their pets at all. I don't know which is worse; confined neglect or not being protected at all. I just want to take all the dogs around here I see treated wrong and go start a dog island somewhere.
I do know that the local animal protection people are about to get VERY familiar with my voice.
Rest in peace, sweet puppydog. Heaven is better than what you would have had here, and I'm sure of that.