The fam is having a Fathers Day event tomorrow. Carrie and I plan to attend. She has not yet met the majority of my dad's side of the family. I would worry she might be bored, but where we're going, there will be a pool. So... she will be pleased as a peach. I love my sweet C.
So, for some time now I have been meaning to post this blog... of a group of pictures I took... on my walk to work.
Here is the CC's where I often get off the bus. This is not my FAVORITE CC's, but it is the one that is a part of this story. I do like it there...

So, outside...

And to work we go. Fun, fun... here is Olive Garden... I like the red chips out there; very pretty.

So, Siegen Road is where all this takes place... and this sign stands there to remind me that I still owe money to Conn's. Which I guess propels me further toward my place of employment.

The place where there are no options....

And I mosey my way on to the beginning of the road called Industriplex. And there begins the long leg of my journey.

This is an address from the end of the street where I start out. My work is at 11999.

This is the grass that used to make my toes wet. Before I threw that pair of boots away......

I have been to this place maaany, many times to pee in a cup for this or that job or interview. That's kind of sad... to be so familiar with a pee-in-the-cup facility. I even left my cell phone there once. We've gotten to know one another...

It was cloudy that day. This is my least favorite field to walk through when there are no clouds... because it is a vast plane of shadelessness. It has been HOT lately, too!

Value the small things... :o)

This is the bridge I cross every day. I love living on the edge, boy..... heh...

And here we are.