You may have been sitting in the foyer, comfortable and cozy, simply happy to be inside the house. Happy to know that it's yours and that you no longer have to deal with all the troubles and worries outside your newfound solace.
It is a house of peace, a house of joy, and a house of love.
But you have never left the foyer.
God is eager and excited for you to discover what else He has put for you in that house!
There are rooms on different floors, all full of very good things!
There are rooms full of healing. There are rooms full of provision. There are rooms full of answers to prayers! There are rooms full of hope, rooms full of freedom, and rooms full of strength. There are rooms full of things you have prayed for than only God and you know about. There are rooms full of wonder beyond your wildest dreams!
And there you sit on that soft little seat in the foyer.
GET UP!! Look around! Open a few doors and climb a few stairs, for Pete's sake!

God has already put in place all we could ever wish for, think of or desire. But sometimes, finding these things takes a little effort on our part.
He says, "Seek Me and you will find Me, when you seek Me with all your heart."
When God gives a directive like that, it's because He knows a good result awaits aFter we obey Him!
It's all there for you! Run for hope, claim peace, dive into freedom and purity and real, true love.
All that's required of you is to take the initiative to seek it.
The more you search the things of God, the more good things you will find.
But you'll have to stand up and go beyond the foyer of knowing Him.
Check out this video; this song came to my mind when God was speaking to me about these things earlier today. Here: VIDEO