I woke up around 4:30 this morning and went to briefly visit the icy toilet seat. (No heat in that part of our circa-1863 house except for a small gas heater in one of the bathrooms… but we turn this off at night because of the exposed flames… yeah…).

After my arctic adventure, I crawled back in bed. I scooted my back up against Carrie’s back under the sheet, blanket, comforter and additional blanket on top. After Hippie

found his place, purred in my ear for awhile and finally fell asleep, I also fell asleep and proceeded to have dreams that made me SO ANGRY I was ready to… well I don’t know what I was ready to do but let’s just say it’s a good thing I woke up. Hehehe
I dreamed I worked for a very rich man. I think this rich man was Michael Jackson or at least someone very similar in both appearance and demeanor. In the group of about 6 or 7 employees, I was the only female. We all had to take personality assessments. While I was out one day, he gave every employee a good sum of money. When I returned, the boss handed me an envelope containing $600 or $700.
“You can just pay me back whenever,” he said.
I was amazed and excited! In the dream, I used the money for Christmas shopping and was very grateful for the just-in-time assistance.
After the holidays, I found out that all the male employees were given $5000 or $6000and were being taught how to invest and watch their money grow. They did not have to pay the boss back but were encouraged to enjoy what they could earn from simply having money in the first place.

I don’t know if I quit, but I did leave.
I went to my grandmother’s house

and started telling her what had happened, “Just because I wasn’t a guy!!” I was livid. My uncle was at my grandmother’s house as I was relaying my tale, and he (in his characteristic way) kept trying to “explain” to me why what happened was really all my fault. He countered my every argument by pointing out another thing I was supposedly done wrong. I was even more pissed. (He does this to me all the time in real life….)
I decided to ignore him and settled down to paint for awhile.

Finally relaxing a little, I was sitting on the living room carpet, leaned back against a stuffed chair. Suddenly, a heavy glass slipped out of my hand and fell on a very thin, delicate glass next to my leg. The thin glass broke and a little water spilled on the carpet.
“WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!??” My uncle was hurling verbal firestones at me left and right. “Why are you breaking your grandmother’s dishes? What, do you just want to ruin everything you come in contact with? No wonder that manager didn’t trust you with his money; you can’t do anything right!!”
I cleaned up the very simple and small mess from my very simple and small accident and left.
I decided to go find Avery.

I knew I could play with Avery and he would have fun. He would make me feel loved and happy. I did find Avery and one other little kid (smaller than him and not Abel). It was cold outside, and I had a large denim jacket. I let the kids sit on the body of the jacket while I held the sleeves and pulled them all over the property like they were on a sled.
We had tons of fun and laughter! Not once did I hit a mud puddle and neither of them fell off the “sled”. We just had FUN and were all laughing, giggling, and out of breath!
After the jacket sledding, I went over to my mom’s. Excitedly, I told her about our adventure.
Immediately, she burst my bubble: “Nicole, you know that’s not safe! They could have had their backs injured or gotten sick from being dragged around out there in the cold! I can’t believe you!!”
Fire exploded inside my chest. I had HAD it!!

Then I woke up. Aaaaahh………….!!!!